Hurley Education Foundation » HEF Initiatives

HEF Initiatives

HEF Initiatives
The Foundation's Peter Sturgul poses with Roger Peterson, Tech Ed Instructor and Tech Ed students, in front of their new spray booth. The purchase was made possible by a $10,500 donation from the Hurley Education Foundation. (R. Peterson, far right, P. Sturgul, 2nd from right. Jan 19, 2017)
What is the Hurley Education Foundation? How does it help to make the Hurley School District the best it can be?
Strong communities need outstanding school districts. Both the school districts and communities at large have to rely not only upon taxpayers but upon volunteer organizations that provide a source for both community development and excellence in education. The Hurley Education Foundation (HEF) is a voluntary, nonprofit 501C3 corporation that operates independently of, but to assist, the school district. The HEF operates with the support of other community groups to provide many opportunities for Hurley School District students that would not otherwise exist.

What has HEF accomplished or assisted with since its founding?
  • Several years ago we were involved with assisting with the purchase of a laptop computer for every Hurley High School student.
  • Before that, we funded a long-distance learning lab so that students would be able to take courses such as Advanced Placement courses that would not otherwise have been available. The long-distance learning lab is also regularly used for community education.
  • Over the last several years we have purchased interactive Smart Boards in every classroom.
  • Last year we purchased a mobile computer lab for the middle school that is used constantly.
Teachers and administrators at the school tell us that this equipment has revolutionized education in the school district. It is the kind of equipment that larger, wealthier districts can only hope to have to this degree at some point in the future.
While the funding of technology has been very important in the recent past, we have also tried to improve other areas, including:
  • Fitness, with a variety of aerobic fitness equipment for all students and five different outdoor activity items for the elementary school.
  • Band instruments and maintenance for the instruments for the students who would not otherwise be able to afford them.
  • A school weather station and microscopes for science classes.
  • Robotics equipment that is used in grades 3 through 12.
The members of HEF hope that we have also helped to recognize excellence by our “Friend of the Foundation Award” that honors outstanding alums and other supporters of the organization.
Over the years we have recognized some great Hurley alums who have been leaders in the world of business, law enforcement, medicine, and education. We hope that those people will serve as models for the present students but also remind other members of the communities how far some of their fellows have gone with the benefit of a good education.
How was an organization started in 1999 able to accomplish these things?
Of course, there has been some hard work and we have had to believe in what we were doing. However, I do not think that would have gotten us very far if it was not for a variety of types of strong community support. The Hurley Booster Club and the PTO have been with us on numerous projects. The Quarterback Club helped us early on in our development and allowed us to make our Friend of the Foundation awards prior to the time that the Quarterback Club gave out their awards. In the early years, the turnout and interest for the sports heroes were a lot higher and we certainly benefitted. The media, both the Miner and the Globe have certainly helped us spread our message. The Hurley Chamber of Commerce recognized us in 2012 as the outstanding organization of the year.
We have received financial contributions, large and small, from every part of the community, including many people who have not lived in the Hurley area for decades. In recent years, one of our strongest financial supporters has been Midland Services that gives us patronage dividends donated by cooperative members. When you buy anything from Midland, tell them “142-142 cash for kids” and the patronage dividend goes to the foundation and ultimately the kids in the Hurley School District.
When we started this organization back in 1999 there were high hopes for success and to benefit Hurley education. With the vital support of the community and community groups, those hopes have been realized beyond our wildest dreams.
We can always use another board member that is willing to contribute time, ideas or whatever they have to offer. Please look us up on our website at Hurley Education Foundation. A positive experience that enhances our children’s education is out there waiting for you!
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